Windows Error Repair – How to Fix Dialup Error 718 Instantly

Error 718 is a usual internet error that is witnessed while connecting the internet along with a dial-up connection. This error is basically caused when your PC fails to access the internet connection. When the Point-To-Point Protocol fails to function rightly, Error code 718 arises. PPP holds some defined instructions, where the multiple computers get connected by means of a modem or a serial device. This is mainly used to aid your computer to get connected with the server. When this functionality doesn’t works, you could never access the internet connection for usage.

Error 718 pops up in the succeeding format: “The PC you dial could not set up a dial-up network connection. Please verify your password and try again further”. This error might happen due to multiple reasons including the damage of internet connectivity, improper functionality of the modem, incorrect login details and finally your windows registry might be damaged. If you consider resolving this issue, you must first check and confirm that your system is not connected with the internet.

Many of us will fail to check whether the system is already connected with internet or not and as a result you would never be able to connect with the internet again to resolve the issue. You can confirm this by simply opening your Mozilla or IE and type a website randomly and find if internet is working or not. When you confirm that the computer is not connected with the internet, then check and verify the login details you have entered. Many users even don’t conclude that the username and password they have given is wrong, unless a technician fixes it. Since it is a dial-up internet connection, the username and password should be given rightly on the login box. If you still don’t find it working, then you should reinstall your modem that is connected to your computer. Refreshing the drivers and reinstalling the modem will a solution to fix this error.

Next to modem reinstallation, you must repair the windows registry to get rid of the errors and bugs in it. The registry could be cleaned by means of a tool called the registry cleaner tool. The cleaner scans your machine and detects the errors in the database. Further it fixes all these error and accelerates the speed and performance of your machine. Since the registry serves as the fundamental element of the computer, it acts as the central storage to save files, settings that the operating system requires for execution.

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