SEO Tips and Advice – Part 3

In this edition of SEO Tips and Advice, I will discuss how using “white-hat” on-site optimization strategies can help you to improve your website’s ratio of search traffic to goal conversions. White-hat onsite optimization involves the use of “honest” strategies and techniques aimed at boosting a website’s standing with the search engines. In contrast, dark optimization strategies (both onsite and offsite) are those which will eventually cause your website to be penalized by search engines once it is determined that you are trying to manipulate or deceive their systems.

The decision to use a white-hat SEO plan is obviously an extremely important choice because of the potentially dire consequences and lasting repercussions involved otherwise. Often times, website owners and companies are totally unaware that something unethical is even going on. Usually it is because they either don’t take the time to learn the right way to do search engine optimization themselves, or, they will hire an incompetent or unscrupulous SEO company to mess things up for them.

Remember, there are NO shortcuts to the top. Besides an effective pay per click campaign (technically not SEO), there aren’t many natural or “organic” strategies that are going to yield significant instantaneous results. Depending on the difficulty of ranking for given keywords, eventually, an effective white hat SEO campaign will attract higher quality-targeted search results in the long term. When you are able to attract the right kind of visitors to your website, you are going to convert more goals and realize more success. FYI, most reputable SEO companies will tell you that white-hat organic SEO plans are going to take anywhere from 3 – 6 months to yield significant positive changes in search traffic.

In the next edition of SEO Tips and Advice, I will discuss common onsite and offsite (white-hat) SEO strategies used to influence performance with popular search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

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