Internet Marketing Online – Web Internet Marketing

Internet marketing online is important for every business that has a website on the World Wide Web. It is most important that your website be found and ranked in the search engine databases. It is also important that your website rank high in the search engine results. Without a high ranking, the ability to attract visitors will be limited, and the only means of any significant Internet marketing online will be through pay per click advertising or paid advertising in directories and on other websites. This can create a hardship for many small to mid sized companies

As technology evolved over the past fifteen years, most of us had no prior thought that it would invade every part of our everyday lives with so many different technological products and services . Thinking back to the early 1990’s, nobody had any inclining that by 2009 every aspect of our daily life would evolve about some new technology product. Today we truly live in a wondrous age.

Now, how does Internet marketing online figure into this equation. The answer comes from a multitude of different aspects. Who would have thought that a computer and the Internet would be involved with tens of billions of dollars in business advertising and online sales. That does not even include the other tens of billions of dollars of business to business transactions online.

That there are hundreds of millions of websites online, or that people spend more time on the computer and the Internet than they spend watching television. That companies are spending tens of billions of dollars on “Internet Marketing Online” is a testament to the colossal growth of this new medium.

If a business does not have an Internet presence, people believe the business is behind the times and many are reluctant to buy or carry out a business transaction with that particular business. it sounds crazy, but that is the world we live in today. If you have a business, or are contemplating having a business, get it online.

Statistic that have been reported over the past several months bare out the importance of Internet marketing online if you want to have any success on the Web. E commerce sales for 2008 were estimated by the U.S. Commerce department to be in excess of $133 billion dollars. In the U.S. in 2007 133 million people shopped online. By 2012 it is estimated that an additional 25 million people will shop online bringing the total to more than 150 million shoppers. In the U.S. in 2007 more than 110 million people made at least one purchase online. By 2012 more than 141 million people will have bought something online that year. By 2012 it is believed that 89% of online shoppers will purchase something online, and average spending will grow to more than $1,500.00/individual. Online advertising will exceed 25 billion dollars in 2008. It is expected to exceed 50 billion by 2012.

If those figures are not enough to spur anyone having a business to get online, nothing will. There are fortunes to be made on the Internet, and online marketing is just in its infancy

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