Internet Marketing – How to Make Sales Online

Doing business online vs. offline are most definitely different, yet there is a fundamental similarity that is required for a thriving business. That similarity is trust. It is important for your customers to feel comfortable with you and to trust you. Once you have gained the trust of your buyers, the sale becomes easy.

When doing business offline, there is a component of directness an opportunity to meet and look your customer in the eye. Often times we do not actually meet our customers, and in those scenarios trust can be developed by talking on the phone, or our staff communicating with our customers. It seems that the biggest challenge to online sales is the missing link of that physical connection and this challenge is very real.

So how do you gain trust online?

The answer is words, or copy. What you write and say will make or break your sale. This is why learning to write copy is so important in Internet marketing. There are other ways as well, such as branding, consistency, and professionalism. If you are selling from a sales page, it needs to look professional – nothing will kill your sale faster than a poorly designed web page (and by the way, a professional looking page need not be expensive). If you are selling on eBay, it is important to brand yourself as well as look professional. Your copy, your words, are important in both scenarios. I realize this challenge more on eBay because I have the ability to interact with my buyers via email or even on the phone. With a sales page, I can only measure my results through my conversion ratios. As such, eBay is a great place to learn the ins and outs of gaining trust online.

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